Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Kensington Maryland welcomed the Guild on June 22, 2023 for our Memorial Mass of the 19th anniversary of Mattie’s death, and the Guild was honored to have Msgr. John J. Enzler back to celebrate the Mass and offer his homily.
“Being here tonight it is a privilege for all of us to think about a young man who truly was wiser than most of us are older. He had a sense of God, a sense of love, sense of what’s important,” said Msgr. Enzler.
What made Mattie special, said Monsignor, was his “gift of faith. This unbelievable faith. This trust in God; a sense that God was with him; God would always watch over him; that God was part of his life. Even though he suffered and his struggles were so difficult.”
“We celebrate tonight the gift of a young man, who was truly holy. From my perspective, a saint. A saint we can pray to and I ask God’s gift through him. So today we pray that Mattie, that you help us to be renewed in the Eucharist, his great love, and that at 33 years since he was born and we celebrate the fact that Jesus also lived 33 years and together may they bring us back to a greater sense of Jesus coming to us every time we go to church,” offered Msgr. Enzler.