Shortly after Mattie’s death, Fr. Isidore Dixon, Mattie’s pastor at Most Holy Rosary, contacted Mattie’s mom, Jeni, and suggested that materials created by or belonging to Mattie be carefully kept, as he believed that one day, a Cause for Mattie’s Canonization would be opened. During 2010, Raymond Arroyo, host of EWTN’s “A World Over,” began praying about founding a committee that would gather information and reflections about Mattie’s life and spiritual legacy. As a result of his discernment, on September 21, 2012 — the Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle and the International Day of Peace — the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Guild was initiated so that Mattie’s heroic virtues might formally be recognized by the Catholic Church. On June 22, 2014 — the 10th anniversary of Mattie’s passing — Guild members and hundreds of faithful gathered for a Mass to celebrate Mattie’s life and his continuing contribution of inspiring hope and peace for children and families and leaders and our world. In 2015, the Guild met again to discuss Mattie’s Cause, and early in 2016, the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Guild became a Maryland LLC. The Guild continues to gather information and reflections from global neighbors on how Mattie lived and how he inspires others to live, as they work on preparing materials to present for Archdiocesan review, and hopefully, advancement of Mattie’s Cause for Papal review and approval in Rome.